17 questions about love with Russian girls
1- How do you make a Russian girl loves you?
- To get a Russian girl to love you, you just have to at least make her like you. Show your best qualities and make a good first impression. The main thing here is not to overdo it.
After a successful first step all depends on your personal qualities and attitude to the girl - if you can form her need for yourself - to communicate with you, respect, help, the girl can love you. Forced to force someone to love you will not work, the same feeling, not a team.
- The idea is to get inside this girl's head... More precisely - to find out what she likes in people, what she is interested in what men she loves. After that, think about whether you can fit her. If not, then maybe it's not your girlfriend and you shouldn't torture yourself. But you can still try to find common points of contact!
Invite her to a place where she might be interested. Do not impose; do not constantly look into the eyes if she does not yet reciprocate. Be confident and self-sufficient that she will pay attention to you.
Make compliments sometimes. And sometimes gifts. But you mustn't be intrusive; otherwise you'll stay a friend for a long time.
2- How do you know a Russian girl loves you?
- The most obvious way is to look at her behavior towards you. If she is always willing to help you, support you, she cares about you, she is really interested in your ups and downs, and then the Russian girl definitely loves you.
- True love comes quite a long time after you're in love. If your Russian girlfriend is ready to help you at any moment, always comes to the rescue, ready to sacrifice something for you, it can speak about her true love for you.
- When a Russian girl loves a man, it's just to know how she feels about you. The girl will try to do everything for you as much as possible, care, nurture, please you every day. She will constantly smile at the sight of you, show tenderness, eyes will burn. Ladies don't know how to hide their feelings at all, so you will definitely understand it or will know when she says directly about her love.
- A girl in love will be happy to have you here... Maybe she'll ask you to meet her. A Russian girl who loves will care, worry about you. She'll be interested in your affairs, trying to support you...
3- How do you get a Russian girl who doesn't want a relationship with you?
- If a Russian girl explicitly says she doesn't want anything to do with you, let alone a romantic relationship, don't hit on her, and then rejection is just rejection. You better look for a new object of courting - with this girl without her desire you can not do anything.
- If the girl explicitly said she didn't want a relationship with you, the smart thing to do is to leave her alone. You know the saying "you won't be nice by force"? Well, that's the case.
- Try to start with yourself in the first place, change your attitude and act on your heart. Show yourself to this girl differently, surprise her, the main thing is to put aside all the consistency. Try to approach her from the other side, for example, make a date on a balloon, or parachute jump, give the girl your attention and care. Perhaps she will pay attention to you because you will arouse her interest in the unusual. If you have already tried to approach her from different angles and all attempts were in vain, then you should accept this state of affairs and step aside, she will either stay with her previous opinion, or will come to her senses and understand that she would like to build a relationship with you.
4- What are the psychological methods to make a Russian girl fall in love with you?
- There are psychological techniques to win the affection of the person you're talking to. Here are some of them:
- The principle of "mirroring" - repeat the gestures and pose of your companion, repeat some lines after him.
- Call out her name more often, for any girl the most pleasant sound is the sound of her name.
- Try not to impose too much so as not to push her away.
These are tricks, in order to position her and interest her, and whether she will fall in love - depends on the chemical processes in her brain, whether the mechanism of love will start or not. You can't predict in this case anymore.
- There are many tricks, but not all of them are ethical - you won't use manipulation to take over the girl's mind and fall in love with yourself.
Imagine what the Russian girl's tastes, who she likes best - the cheeky bad guys or cute romance, so you become her ideal and standard. Often the principle of long-term communication and then neglect works.
5- How do you show a Russian girl that you like her?
- Show interest and organize events (any, cinema, theater or just meetings) and be present in her life, if she doesn't mind, then your relationship will grow stronger and everyone will be able to draw conclusions about the future. Do not delay offering the relationship that you would like to see between you and the girl.
- If you know her, everything is elementary: be interested in her affairs/work/study, successes, communicate not one-size-fits-all phrases, support different topics, compliment her skills and efforts, not only her appearance (many people can say that she has a cute face, but praise her for her needlework or creativity will not guess not everyone), have the courage to say directly, not all girls understand the hints. If you do not know her, it would be good to get acquainted. Saying hello is not a bad idea to begin with.
- Russian girls often know what a aen likes, long before he admits it. If you are not the most guessing person or you - a closed book, it is better to just say about his sympathy, so there is no doubt.
- If you don't know a Russian girl, then first of all get to know her and try to get to know her, her interests in life. Try to become interesting and necessary for her. Show interest in her affairs, help solve emerging problems. And of course, to say compliments. As you know, women love their ears.
6- How do Russian girls fall in love with their ears?
- We don't think that love has any objective criteria - all very subjective. For example, it's impossible to measure love in some quantitative terms. Correspondingly, we can't talk about how girls love differently than guys. Some Russian girls can be very gentle and another girl can not show it. There are those who only express their love in words, but there are also those who support them with actions. All this is a manifestation of love, but in different variations.
- Of course, all Russian girls are different and will express their love in different ways. Often, when a woman is in love, she is cheerful, her eyes burn and she literally "flutter", they also say that she is like a glow from the inside. She smiles a lot, and when she meets the person she loves, she just shines. Of course, all this in case if love is mutual and the Russian girl has no reason to hide it. A girl who loves is very hard to go through moments of separation from the man she loves. This can be immediately seen from the way the girl behaves, her mood drops, she becomes unrestrained, dispersed. The girl often becomes very thoughtful. She is interested in the affairs of her lover and will always expect news from him, even if they are not very important. Many girls are happy to ask for help from their beloved man and feel support and care from him, even in small things. It will also be a sign of the girl's trust, her ability to share something intimate with you: it shows that you mean a lot to her and she feels that she can tell you everything.
- Girls are expectant mothers, so they express their feelings gently, gently) Loving Russian girl is caring, she has a desire to build a home, to create comfort. Well, on the whole, this wonderful feeling affects both boys and girls equally.
7- What do you have to do to make a Russian girl want you?
- Russian girls are all different, it's impossible to become what everybody wants you to be, and furiously. You have to communicate with certain women and find out their tastes and personal preferences, and then change something in yourself or your behavior.
8- How do you know that a Russian girl really likes you?
- One of the criteria for an adult is the ability to meet feelings, both of herself and of others. So the best way to know the answer to this question is to ask about it. Simply because when we ask, we don't think and don't live in illusions, but live in reality and then it's possible to create happy relationships.
- Girls, they show sympathy in different ways. But there are several aspects to determine if a girl likes you:
- Attention - She shows more attention to you than the others. For example, if you ask something in the general company, she will answer first, and the other person's question may be ignored.
So she tries to get your attention in every way she can.
- Non-verbal signs - For example, when talking to you, she may bite her lip, or when you want to look at it, she will sharply withdraw her eyes. This is different for each girl, but you will definitely notice strange, unusual gestures/mimicry, etc.
- Agree with you - She'll agree with almost any proposal you make. Like go to a movie or a restaurant. Or in company in an argument, she'll choose your side.
There are exceptions, of course, but that's rare.
To sum up: All Russian girls have different sympathies, but there is one important sign - the girl behaves differently with you, not like with the others. Maybe not even a little strange)
She can try to be friendlier, please you. On the outside, it's very noticeable.
9- How do you make a Russian girl lose her head with you?
- It would be good to start with an honest answer to myself: what do I expect from this relationship? Do I just want to brag that I've conquered a beautiful girl? Or do I expect the relationship to evolve?
In the first case, you can try different techniques that the Internet is full of. Some people think they work.
But if you're looking for something more serious, you have to start by not using the word "force". There's no coercion or manipulation in a normal relationship. You have to recognize in a girl an independent personality with her own interests, aspirations and desires. By the way, this alone can generate in her interest in you. Once you admit it, get to know the girl. For this it is best to talk to a person, ask him questions, and take interest in him. We love attentive listeners and tell them about ourselves with pleasure. But what matters here is sincere, not fake interest. Finally, be yourself, just a little better. You don't have to pretend to be somebody else. In more or less long relationships it "will not roll", sewing in a bag can not be hidden.
And yes, Russian girls need care and help, if you're not willing to sacrifice something for her, you can not fall in love with her.
- For a Russian girl to fall in love with you, she has to be interested in you. If you're a nerd who doesn't go out of the house and doesn't want to, isn't interested in anything, doesn't do anything - it's unlikely you can conquer her heart only if she's not as hickey as you. Try to joke with her, talk to her, match her preferences and good luck will smile at you.
10- How do you create the perfect situation to kiss a Russian girl?
- If you internally do not understand what to do and what moment to choose, you are already in the gap. You can order a limousine and rent a restaurant for special service and an orchestra and it will be a bad moment. Or you can fall into a puddle, break the phone, wipe your face with your hand and kiss.
- The answer is no way. Nothing artificial is viable. Trying to create something that only spontaneous feelings can do, a man goes the path of destruction. Dalanias is pursuing a goal. The action, on the contrary, the energy that overwhelms you, in this moment, the response is unrehearsed and not prepared...
11- How to tell a Russian girl that you like her?
- Slow down the chatter. You have to prove your feelings to her with actions, show her a devilish man of words, reliable, able to solve many tasks, for which she will feel like a stone wall. But most importantly, create a halo of enticing mystery around you. And most importantly, this look, make it unusual, deep, delaying. Sometimes, to show your feelings, one deep look is enough (practice in front of the mirror, holding a photo of your girlfriend).
- Just say it! People are always afraid to tell the truth, and then they sit and bite their elbows because they didn't do anything in time, they were scared... If a girl likes you mutually, she will not refuse you and respond adequately, and if not, what to do in this situation. Don't be scared! More confidence and opiumism.
12- How do you seduce Russian girls?
- Whoever says anything, but still women love with their ears, so compliments are one of the important components of seduction. But they must be not just universal, but suitable for a particular Russian girl. Persistence and confidence are also very important, the main thing is not to bend the stick and do not turn everything into an obsession. If you learn to listen carefully to the object of your temptation, it will win the girl's interest.
- To seduce a Russian girl, you must first be interesting to her. Say nice words to her, you can let her stroke, touch, if she does not mind, start a conversation on an intriguing subject. Do not abuse alcohol - in this condition, the girl is not aware of the actions, so do not use this position.
13- How do you get rid of the fear of telling a girl that I love her so much and offering to date her?
- If you haven't met a Russian girl yet, you don't have to tell her you love her. Put yourself in her shoes! Your shame runs through life, doesn't touch anybody, and suddenly you show up with such statements! And what will she do with you after that?
You'd better start complimenting her, for whatever reason. Praise should fall out of you like peas from a hole in a bag! Every chance you get, even on the Internet, even if you meet her by chance. I can assure you; even the coarsest flattery will bear good fruit. Do not confuse this approach with a later relationship: after the flattery should be abandoned, to discuss only the real merits.
And when she notices you and singles you out, you call for a date. Remember: if you invite her, she will certainly not bite you (checked!). In fact, Russian girls want something similar to what guys want. So you can't be shy about the natural thing! If you act uncomfortably and wrongly, that's okay, that's fine. Not you first, not you last, the girls themselves in such cases of anxiety and excitement, and they know that you are not easy. Your beauty will surely give you another chance, but not alone. So, there's nothing to lose.
14- How do you get a excite girl excited?
- Carefully monitor her reaction to your touch. Or ask her directly what she likes best. And don't forget the compliments about appearances if you see the girl's shyness.
- If you already have a strong relationship and trust each other, you can try erotic games: changing clothes, blindfold, adult toys or watching erotic movies together. It all depends on your emancipation.
15- How do I find a Russian girl for dating and marriage?
- In order to find a Russian girl for a serious relationship you have to communicate with Russian girls a lot and not stay at home. If you are already in Russia, go to places where you can see good Russian girls: gym, park, skating rink, art exhibition, and cinema. Or find and sing up with a legitimate dating site or marriage agency.
16- How do you tell a Russian girl that you love her if you are shy?
- If you're very scared, you can make an approximate "plan" for the prize and mentally rehearse it. Do not be shy, surely the girl in case of embarrassment will not be offended and will not swear at you, yet all understand that there is nothing embarrassing about being embarrassed.
17- How do you win a Russian girl's heart?
- Take your time, be brave and sincere, show your sense of humor, let her know that you really like her; be always groomed and well-dressed.
- To win a Russian girl, all you have to do is be who she wants to be with you. Those she will madly love and those who will justify her trust. Honestly, you can do complete nonsense, but if the girl sees your ideal in you, she will tolerate it all.