Advertise yourself
We suggest placing free your personal advertisement in our men's database. Please be informed that we will not publish your profile on our website, we will translate it to Ukrainian language and keep it in our computers and show it only to the ladies who visit our agency personally.
Copy and paste below form into your mail, fill it up and send it together with your photo to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
( * ) This sign means it is obligatory to be filled in.
* First Name:
Last Name:
* City:
* Country:
* Date of birth:
* Height:
* Weight:
* Occupation:
* Education
* Languages spoken:
* Marital Status
* Children:
* Hobbies:
* Autobiography (Please write an autobiography as short or as long as you like):
* Seeks Partner (Please describe what woman you are looking for age, height, education, etc):
* E-mail:
* Postal address: