How to find a Russian wife?
A certain stage of the man's inner maturity is accompanied by the emergence of new questions. If he is interested in Russian women than most questions are relate to where and how to find a Russian wife. By the age when a career and everyday life is arranged or it has become approximately clear where to move, the man understands that temporary companions take too much effort, are not a reliable support, and the very values of life are changing and I want to have an understanding person nearby.
In this question of "how to find a Russian wife" it is necessary to define your own requirements, wishes and life goals. The better a person knows himself, the easier it is for him to choose a partner and the easier it is to build a relationship with him. Some people want their wife to emphasize the status, and he will choose by appearance and education, another wants it to be a faithful friend who shares views on life and then appearance will be secondary, there are those who are interested in how to find a rich wife, and for them the criteria are quite different.
Try to present your future life as accurately as possible, with which you will be comfortable. Marriage is the place where a person can fully be, reveal all their inner sides and improve. That's why it makes sense to search among your loved ones, but not to be deceived by the first impression. If a girl likes you, she can make colossal efforts to win your love, but not to be frank. Such a relationship breaks down after a couple of years, when she can not smile at what she considered disadvantages and you will not eradicate it in yourself, because originally chose the person who takes you like this. Try it, but even if you have confidence in your chosen one in your head, you can survive a year - usually enough time for people to get to know each other in different situations, several times in conflict and show many of their negative qualities. If for a long time you still want to stay with the girl, you can get married, if you constantly want to correct her behavior and views, it is better to let the person to live his life.
But before conducting such experiments, it is necessary to get acquainted with the girl concerned. To do this, it is necessary to clean up her appearance and awareness of what is important in the cultural life of the world. You must be worthy of a better woman, otherwise, when you meet her, the lady will just pass by.
You don't have to invent new places to get acquainted and specially prepare a trip somewhere. People close to us usually rotate in the same circles, have similar interests and other points of intersection. Opposites, whose acquaintance was provoked on purpose, find that they have nothing to talk about after an hour. So it makes sense to be more active right where you are. Even a bus stop brings people together at least geographically, which means you already have a lot of topics to talk about.
The view that it is better to look for your wife in the library than in a nightclub is outdated, especially for those who are regular visitors - now you can go there together. But libraries are gradually dying out, providing Wikipedia championship and the Internet, where it also makes sense to look for a life partner.
How to find a good Russian wife
Men rarely wonder how to find a rich wife, they are more interested in her mental qualities and external data. It is possible to look for a future wife among female employees, which will help to get to know her personality more deeply and to assume her possible behavior without playing games. Dating usually distorts the picture, as everyone there knows that they are evaluated and unconsciously try to please and please. You don't have to start inventing beautiful words, fascinating stories and choosing a bouquet for a long time - start communicating right in the workplace. You can offer a pretty woman to have lunch together or spend after work, neutral help with office equipment, heavy boxes will also be appropriate. You can adjust your relationship at any time by reducing it to a work partnership or by deepening it into an intimate relationship by simply asking out. But there are certain taboos about relationships that can begin in the workplace - avoid open flirting and starting a relationship with subordinates.
Don't decide where and how to find your wife on your own - tell your friends what you want and get involved more actively in the activities. At many festivals and public events, several companies merge into one, and there you can meet the right girl. Most couples have a mutual acquaintance who introduces them. Having a relationship with such a girl increases the likelihood of a positive outcome because you are likely to have similar interests, intellectual and material levels, and basic life purpose and principles. In addition, friends who know you are looking for a date may specifically begin to introduce you to their girlfriends.
Learn more about the locations you're used to - that's where your best wife will be. If you hang out at clubs all weekend, the perfect church parishioner will not be your ideal wife, it is better to buy a drink girl at the next table. When you yourself prefer a narrow circle, quiet evenings - do not go to the club, and you need to expand your own circle a little. It is possible to glance at the next scientific sections, to talk to the girl professing the same religion, to go to conference on a theme interesting and already there to treat someone coffee.
How to find the Russian wife? The council of psychologists such - look for the wife in those places which answer your hobby or interests - it can be sports, courses of photography, tourism, even courses of cookery where you at once will cause at surrounding women desire to care of you. Come to concerts and festivals that you are interested in and that were previously uncomfortable to attend yourself. There are definitely girls there who share your point of view, which is a great excuse to get to know you. Mass gatherings of people who are interested in one topic give you the opportunity to get in touch with several pretty girls at once. If someone is caught quite strongly, you should try to continue meeting after the event. For example, a conference, a concert, a course can be discussed over a cup of coffee - it's not enough to get a rejection, but it is quite significant for further strengthening of acquaintance, because you have a lot of topics for discussion.
Choose from the Russian girls of your social group, because it is almost impossible to make up for the difference in experience gained, even after a few decades. Pay attention not only to how the girl treats you (it can be controlled), but also to what she is like with others - the more understanding and care in her behavior, the better for the future marriage. When a person only thinks about their own needs and is unable to feel their loved ones, such relationships quickly lead to the degradation of their partners or their level of communication.
When everything coincides and you are pretty to each other, try to learn more about the girl's family - be careful if the family is not full or the relationship between them is far from warm. The girl herself unknowingly can adopt this style of relationship and then, whatever you do not do yourself, they will either break up, or go on the same track. Only if you are confident in the psychological resilience of the partner, you can ignore such facts.
How to find a Russian wife on the Internet
Today's statistics show that a third of successful marriages began with online dating. The amount of resources is diverse, and if you decide to find a wife, you should use them all. Separate relevance acquaintance on the network has for those who are looking for ways to find a new wife, because all methods that work in reality, were tried long ago, in most places former passion appears sometimes more often than you, and the time is now not much.
Questionnaires social networks help initially limit the search. And if you use special dating sites, you can specify quite a large list of parameters of interest, ranging from the purpose of dating, ending with external data. The simplicity and openness of this system allows you to communicate with people with the same goals, and then there is no embarrassment.
Having chosen a few interesting girls, do not hurry to write to them at once, you need to make preparations. To begin with, fill out your questionnaire in full, the more detailed you fill in all the boxes, trying to give honest and original answers, the higher chances that you will meet an interesting person. Be sure to upload a photo, almost none of the girls will answer if she is absent. When the photo the girl is interested (for this purpose find a high quality image, with an open face), she will look through your profile. In life, this role is performed by various questions, direct and veiled nature, in the chat room just no desire to walk around with each applicant interested topics. The more detailed your profile, the faster the girl will be able to make a decision.
You also need to carefully study the girl's profile. Those where there is little information, hidden name, instead of a picture can not be considered to create a family - the woman initially hides something and does not want to inform you about yourself. The main points that you should be interested in are your family situation, the purpose of acquaintance and having children. Conflicts on at least one of these three points indicate that no hobbies in common will help you start a good family. You can then look at the whole profile and assess the degree of similarity in your life.
Pay attention to the date of your profile registration and the last date you were online. The date of registration is too long and does not say anything good about the character of the partner or her communication skills. If the last visit to the page has been more than a week, probably the girl is not too interested in finding a companion.
Avoid template phrases when you meet her, it is better to ask about something from her profile (she is fond of traveling - find out if she was in Cambodia, likes to cook - say that you know a unique recipe for pumpkin pie). Your task is to stand out and show that you have not only read in her questionnaire, but you can also support these topics.
If communication has started, it is easy and pleasant for you, then do not drag it out, but translate it into reality more quickly. The longer you communicate online, the more your fantasy will finish the image. Those who correspond for longer than a few months, usually never meet in real life, because the fear of change, exit from a secure online space becomes quite large, and the necessary support and friendly participation comes online.
How to find a Russian wife if you are over 40
Finding a wife at thirty is the most pressing issue when a man has already built a career and is ready to take responsibility for his family. There are almost no difficulties, because the girls are not in a hurry to jump out and marry the first person they meet. Marriages concluded after 25 years of age have a better chance of being happy, because each of the partners reasonably approaches this step, knows their needs, weaknesses and shortcomings, and is able to get along with the other.
Still excellent dating sites, and to expand the search categories can not only the format of marriage, you can look for friends to attend events. The wider your social networking contacts, the more likely it is that sooner or later your future wife will meet there. You can register on several platforms at once - one will be quite serious, where people are united by common long-term goals, in another you can just chat with like-minded people, and a third to discuss creative plans. Use the Internet as much as possible, not just to flip through the news feeds of social networks.
By the way, communication in various messengers and social networks will also help to find your soulmate. Here you will have to show more imagination and tact, because initially it may be unknown neither social status, nor the purpose with which the girl communicates, but communication is more free.
Start to interact more actively with the world and use everyday things. If you have a dog, you don't need to run around with him in headphones, but rather visit the place where dog owners gather. If you're into something, get other people involved: a cute employee can be invited to a dance by a hunting match and a neighbour to a cooking class. Don't stop at your own skills, try to imagine what a girl who can conquer your heart can do and go there. Even if it's an Argentine tango, go and do it. A lot of impressions, new acquaintances and interesting experience are guaranteed, and if you ask others to bring you up to date, then the reason for communication and dating turns out to be organic and interesting.
Respond to all your friends' invitations and hikes together and get involved in social life more actively. This is not only about finding new friends, but also about getting to know people you've known for a long time. At thirty there is no problem to interest a woman, because you can easily charm as a twenty-year-old Russian girl and a woman over forty. The question remains, with whom you will feel most comfortable.
Usually the feeling of stunned love, when you can not think about anything else, says only about the coincidence at the hormone level. It is not worth offering marriage in this case, the marriage will not be long or calm. Feelings that signal that the woman is suitable as a wife should include, tenderness, calmness, humor, plans for the future, anxiety, responsibility, empathy. When you notice that next to some girl you want to get better, and you do it, the mood improves, but it's calm, not euphoria, then it is worth taking a closer look.
How to find a Russian wife if you are over 50
At the age of 40, for many, the question of how to find a new wife from Russia is relevant, because the man already has experience if not married life, then a serious relationship, knows himself better and understands how difficult this is a difficult event. Difficulties for many at this age is not in the absence of the ability to charm a woman or the ability to make contact, but in their own injuries. When every woman encountered is perceived through the prism of criticism, and in a single way of life emphasizes the purely positive aspects, it is likely to be necessary to work with internal attitudes. Russian women are not as horrible in their mass as a man who devalues them may represent. Try to notice in them beautiful, charming can be quite scary, but that is what gives birth to a new feeling, and therefore opens the door to a new woman.
In the case of hardened bachelors who live with their mother or far away from her, but are constantly reporting, everything will depend more on their mother. Her permission to start living with a woman, the decision to give her the right to be in charge. In order to find a wife at the age of 40, the psychological space next to a man should be free not only from former passions, but also from mom. It is at a young age women are able to close their eyes to such a man, with experience they increasingly choose to leave such a man alone, even without approaching.
Reconsider your requirements for a Russian woman if you still can't find the ideal. Look at the reality in the face, how can a Nobel laureate, with a model appearance bake wonderful pancakes for breakfast and take care of five kids? It is still good to relate the fictional image with your own characteristics, and look at women who are increasingly common in your daily life. Among them, there is one with whom you can be yourself, there is something to talk about and she will accept your shortcomings.
To find a Russian wife is not always worth looking for new friends, a renewal of old relationships will be great. Find your classmates or classmates online, look through the family statuses of those you liked then or for some reason interesting now, and write to all unmarried. A lot of common life experiences quickly bring people together.
The main thing about the search is not to focus too much on it. Internal tension is felt in communication and does not let it develop. In addition, women feel when a man has a goal to marry and avoid such cavaliers. It is much more important to show interest in the person, to know the needs and interests of the person, because there is no point in a simple stamp in the passport and women do not hurry to formalize a relationship for the sake of a tick.